Should Creditsafe Connect ever return the following messaging then it's indicating that it isn't possible to combine some of the query parameters which are being sent in the /companies request:
/companies?countries={countryCode}&{criteriaSet} |
When searching for a company using Creditsafe Connect's /companies endpoint it's only possible to search one "criteriaSet" at a time so whilst it's possible to combine the "name" and "postCode" parameters because they persist within the same "criteriaSet", it isn't possible to combine a "regNo" parameter with a "name" parameter:
The HTTP 400 Bad Request response is best avoided by calling Creditsafe Connect's /searchcriteria endpoint prior to forming the /companies request as it will return a list of all possible "criteriaSets" which could be individually searched to find a company:
/companies/searchcriteria?countries={countryCode} |
When implementing a watertight search process we would strongly advise adopting the following call sequence to ensure of more efficient company searches:
1. /authenticate
2. /access/countries
3. /companies/searchcriteria?countries={countryCode}
4. /companies?countries={countryCode}&{criteriaSet}
Should further detail be required with regards to the searching of companies via Creditsafe Connect then please refer to the following web link:
Should you continue to experience issues then please submit a ticket.