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Compliance Alerts
What are Compliance Alerts?
Why have you added Compliance Alerts to business reports?
Why is there an alert/possible match against my name?
What is the value of Compliance Alerts if they only tell me if a company has possible hits/warnings without telling me if it’s OK/NOT OK to do business with the company in question?
I clicked on the alert, but it navigated me to a screen that shows no results. Is there a difference between the checks done in Protect compared to that in Compliance Alerts?
If I have Compliance Alerts, why do I need a Protect subscription?
I have a Protect Subscription, why do I need Compliance Alerts?
I already have a subscription to Protect, will I need to use the same number of credits to carry out checks now that I have Compliance Alerts too?
I have dealt with my clients/suppliers for many years, do I still need to carry out customer due diligence (KYC checks)?
I am a small company with no international trade. Do I need to do KYC?
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